Funds for Women's Rights 2018-2020
Norad's Civil Society Department hereby announces a call for proposals for efforts supporting two Grant Scheme Allocations. It will be possible to address the application to one or both of these allocations.
The application process will consist of two parts:
- In the first round, applicants are invited to submit a concept paper. The deadline for the first round will be October 15.
- Based on the Concept Paper, selected candidates will be invited to submit a full project proposal. The deadline will be December 15.
This webpage will be updated accordingly. See FAQs further down this page.
The two Grant Scheme Allocations are the following:
Grant Scheme Allocation number 1: Funds for efforts supporting the follow-up of 1325- Women, Peace and Security
The implementation and follow-up of SCR 1325 - Women, Peace and Security and subsequent resolutions on women, peace and security is a priority for the Norwegian government, reflected in the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security (2015-2018). Support to civil society organizations that promote women's participation and gender equality in peace and security is a part of this overall effort.
During the period 2018-2020, Norad intends to support national and international civil society organizations in their efforts to strengthen women's effective influence in peace processes and post-conflict contexts.
Grant Scheme Allocation number 2: Women's Rights and Gender Equality (Women's Economic Participation and Empowerment and Women's Political Participation and Empowerment)
The Sustainable Development Goals put gender equality at the heart of the international agenda. The cornerstone of Norwegian development cooperation is the promotion and respect of fundamental human rights.
Last year the Norwegian Government launched a new Action Plan for Women's Rights and Gender Equality in Foreign Development Policy 2016-2020. The plan has five priority themes, but this call for applications is limited to "women's economic participation and empowerment" and "women's political participation and empowerment".
The application must clearly demonstrate how the intervention will contribute to these priority themes.
Priority areas
The thematic areas and goals noted below are included in the Action Plan for Women's Rights and Gender Equality in Foreign Development Policy 2016-2020. Applications must be relevant for one or both of these goals, and applicants must thus note which goal (s) the application is directed towards and how they plan to contribute to them.
Successful applicants will also be required to report specifically on results towards these goals as well as specified indicators for goal achievement.
1. Women's political rights and empowerment
Objective: Ensure the equal participation of women and men in political life.
This includes:
- Efforts supporting that women are represented, and have real influence, in political processes and bodies on the same footing as men.
- Efforts supporting that women's and girls' rights are properly addressed in non-discriminatory legislation.
- Efforts supporting that women are given the protection they need and have the capacity to defend human rights.
2. Women's economic rights and empowerment
Objective: Ensure that women have full economic rights and equal opportunities to participate in the labour market.
This includes:
- Efforts supporting that women, including women from marginalised groups, are able to take part in business activities and the labour market.
- Efforts supporting that women and men have equal rights to economic resources, such as ownership and control of land, inheritance and access to financial services.
The target group of the grant scheme is girls and women in countries in development.
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